Where to begin with this weeks bonus episode. You might recall from my chat earlier in the week with Mark Lewis that we talked about the fact that the vast majority of humans on this planet are wonderful, just doing their best with what they’ve got.
Well, today, I have two of finest humans alive in Chris Mitchell & Robbie Laidlaw, both of the Genuine Dining Company (https://www.genuinedining.com/). What makes them the finest? Well, if you haven’t picked it up from the title, these two mad men are taking on the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, all to raise funds for the wonderful charity that is Hospitality Action (https://www.hospitalityaction.org.uk/)
This is an incredible story that has only just begun and we cover off:-
- Background on Chris and Robbie
- The challenge
- The why
- Hospitality Action
- The support
- Training
- Food
- Seasickness
- Funny training stories
- How to support
I can’t help but admire Chris and Robbie and I believe they are deserving of all our support for taking on such an incredible challenge in the first place. You can get behind them very simply by following them on Instagram at:-
Learn everything there is to know about the challenge at https://spiritofhospitality.co.uk/ and all the other ways you can help.
A huge thanks to Chris and Robbie for putting themselves out there for such a wonderful cause.
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