What does it take to get your Brand and experience right? Find out along with so much more in our chat with Simon Taylor, Brand Guru and Founder of Swipe Right Experience (https://swiperightexperience.com/) and The Hospitality Portal (http://thehospitalityportal.com/).
We chat about so much including ship life, events, branding (Of course), experiences, chicken & chips and Matteus Rose and Simon’s Story.
Simon is a laugh a minute but backs this up with some great content on marrying your brand with your experience.
This chat was recorded on 2nd April 2020 under lock down conditions.
Simon Taylor Bio
Simon, a married father of two living in the UK, is an astute brand and hospitality professional with international background. Swipe Right Experience was really founded over a decade ago when experiential marketing started and there was (and still is) a lack of understanding of how to unlock the power around this exploding medium of communication.
Demonstrating 20 years of managing brands and award winning experiences with some of the worlds most recognised companies Swipe Right Experience works with passionate hospitality brands who are connecting with consumers for life.